Wednesday, May 6, 2009

Education Wars: A New Hope

Okay so I had to follow up yesterday's post with a light note. That people I ask around here say it's "most likely" that I'll have a job next year. And I tell myself worrying doesn't help. And Amanda tells me that even if I did lose my job- whatever happens, happens for a reason, and we will of course be fine. My visions of being one of those families holding up "Please Help" signs fighting for a better freeway onramp to stand at, will never be reality.
And on an especially lighter note, I got a hand made card from a kid today, a boy most would call a "bad kid," who blew me away this morning by giving me a Thank You card and writing that I was his favorite teacher! It gives me hope that I really am making a difference in kids' lives- even the impossible ones. I love my job


  1. oh darling! we're gonna get through this! i'm glad that this little tender moment of handmade cards and bad kids turned sweetheart allowed you to feel some lightness and renewal! keep that feeling close!

  2. All you need is love! You got it! Everything else is just sprinkles & frosting!
